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College Device Program

Year Level


Kinder - Year 2

Students from Kinder to Year 2 are provided with class sets of iPads which are shared throughout each year level.

Year 3

Each student in year 3 is provided with an iPad, these iPads are kept at school and are used in preparation for laptops in year 4.

Year 4

In year 4, each student is provided with a laptop. These are used in preparation for year 5 onwards.

Year 5 - Year 10

Year 5, all the way up to year 10, runs a BYOL program. Each student is required to bring their own, charged, laptop to school each day. These laptops will be enrolled into Sacred Heart College’s device management software which allows College applications to be installed and updated automatically.

The secondary library offers day loan laptops for students to borrow if their device is not working.

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